• Unlimited number of categories, number of products in a category, category nesting depth

    You can create an unlimited number of categories and an unlimited number of products in a category. Also you can have any number of category levels.
  • Multi-Categories Product

    You can include one product into multiple categories.
  • Pre-ordering (inventory tracking)

    You can use the «pre-order» functionality. If the number of items is limited or the product is out of stock, you can let your customer pre-order it.
  • Unlimited product images and videos

    You can add an unlimited number of product images and videos. Provide your customers with more information about the product they are buying!
  • Quick filters

    Quick filters allow a customer to display the products in the way he wants, filtering them by price or any of the product properties (such as size or color). Filters are set up in the admin area.
  • Product option support

    You can add extra options to the product and set a fixed price or a percentage markup for customers.