• Coupons and Gift Certificates

    You can use the coupon engine to create discount codes and coupons to help promote your products. Also we offer a gift certificate system supporting both e-mail and postal certificates.
  • Wish list

    AdVantShop.NET makes it possible to create Wish lists. Your customer did not yet make a purchasing decision, but she knows what she wants? Let your customer create a Wish list and save it to her account!
  • Product properties comparison

    Useful functionality for customers who need help in choosing the right product. “Product comparison” service allows the customer to compare products by the required properties quickly and to make choosing and buying even more simple and convenient.
  • Upselling

    Upselling is an effective tool for increasing sales. Just specify the necessary products in the options “Customers who bought this also buy”, “Similar products” and create unique and useful offers for your customers. Let your customers know what else they can buy at your store!